Italian Wedding Gift Lists

Wedding lists - love them or hate them?

When planning your italian wedding, creating a wedding gift registry is usually at the top of the list of things to do. For young newlyweds, a wedding gift registry can help guests choose the gifts that you most need as you start your new life together.

For couples who are already established in life, though, stereotypical wedding gifts may not be needed; toasters, knife sets, and wine glasses are items that you probably already own.

Luckily, couples can now register at a growing number of locations, from home improvement warehouses to sports stores to travel agencies, so there is something out there for every couple.

Here are a few guidelines to follow when planning your wedding gift registry.

Do open your registry six months in advance or more so that guests have ample time to select and purchase a gift. Remember that registries are a convenience for your guests, and that guests are not limited to the registry when choosing a gift. While many guests will buy a gift from your registry, some may prefer to select your gift personally.

Do not include your registry information in the wedding invitation. A small card matching the invitation should contain the wedding gift registry details and be given to your guests along with their invitation.

Do consider opening registries in more than one store. This allows guests more choice in not only what to buy, but how much to spend.

Consider also that about a third of your list should be not very expensive with large sets broken up so you can allow a few people to purchase the items Quality is better than quantity! Try to focus on a few areas and then you are sure to get everything you ideally want.

You can even include nontraditional gift requests, such as travel vouchers or cash donations. Although requesting cash or donations to honeymoon funds and so forth has been traditionally frowned upon, the practice has become more commonplace over the course of time. Nonetheless, some people do find appeals for cash to be in poor taste, so bear in mind how your guests would likely react to such a request. A good way to ask for cash is to use a wishing well card, this card can have a sweet poem explaining to your guests that you have everything you need for your house, but how cash would really be appreciated.

Do not forget to keep track of who bought each gift for you.

Send a personalized thank-you note to each guest to show how much you appreciated not only the gift, but also his or her participation in your special day.

The insider's guide to wedding on the Italian Lakes - Destination weddings Italy - P.I. 01144000039
