It is with great pleasure that I want to introduce a fantastic wedding on Lake Orta. The bride herself is telling us the real story. Her name is Valentina. Have a look at it, and you will discover all the passion and love she feels for Lake Orta. She is Italian living in Singapore, and she really wanted to have an Italian wedding on Lake Orta.
When you are about to choose your wedding bouquet, ceremony arrangements and centerpieces for your reception the most important thing is knowing a little more about what is seasonal and what is not. So we thought to give you some suggestions on the best seasonal flowers for your destination wedding in Italy.
W e are back!! We are so happy to start a new exciting new season we can’t tell! Winter months for our planners are always planning months, but sometimes towards the end of it we have the pleasure to have romantic and wonderful weddings too. These are always a great kick off for an exciting wedding season.