Here you can read all about our just married couples just a few days after their wedding! You can read about destination bride and groom chose, what flowers and decorations they opted for. You can also see some wedding photos taken by their official wedding photographers or some our planners shot on the day.
Month by month you can see our Team’s work across Lake District – Lake Orta, Lake Maggiore, Lake Como, Lake Iseo, Lake Garda, Lake Trasimeno, Lake Bracciano, Lake Albano and Lake Bolsena. But you will find also weddings planned in other Italian destinations such as Italian Countryside, Italian seaside, Venice, Rome and Apulia with special connections to our partner sites: Italian Country Wedding, Italian Rome Wedding, Italian Seaside Wedding.
So… congratulations to our newly weds and enjoy our posts! We hope that these pictures can inspire you for your wedding in Bella Italia!
- A very special thanks to our couple who chose Italian Wedding Company to plan their weddings in Italy and to wedding photographers who gave us these great shots you can see on our Just Married posts!
With this new post for our just married couples for July 2014 we would also like to tell you about two little things! First of all in these days we are celebrating the 7th anniversary of our web site! It seems just yesterday we put on line the very first version of our site. From that time a lot happened many couples and professionals chose us and supported us. We would love to thank you all for being with us for these years and we hope you will keep on be on our pages for long time!
As all months we come back to you with a complete overview of all our Team’s weddings for this lovely month of June 2014. The full Team was busy with many events in this warm June of 2014 and many other are still to come in the following months so stay tuned!